The Travels of Carol and Jeff as they experience life around the globe.

Week End in Chicago

This year we decided to go to Chicago for a little weekend getaway. We saw a play, took a tour, ate and of course shopped! While we have previously lived in Chicago, our tour took us to places we had never been before, using both the pedway and L-train to get around from place to place. It also didn't hurt that we had great weather and no snow. Below are some the places and sights we saw in Chicago.

Saturday morning we took a small group tour around Chicago, the first stop was the "Bean". The morning started off mildly cold with the sun shining bright. 

Our tour group with Kari our guide [far right] inside The Palmer House hotel.  Kari is a great tour guide!

Part of our tour had us using the "L" to get around, one time we ran into the Christmas train with Santa and the elf team train following.  At the time we were on our way to the Christmas market at Wrigleyville.  The snow boot [picture below] is a mug full of mulled wine.
Had to check out the windows at Macy's too!
After a little shopping we ended the day where we started at the Chicago Athletic Association - they have a great roof top bar, Cindy's!

This is the world's largest Starbucks - the whole thing not just the first floor.  You can't see in this picture but the lines wrapped around the building multiple times with an auxiliary line on Saturday.  We did not stand in line, but I must say even to a non-coffee drinker some floors sounded interesting - alcohol at Starbucks!?
This is the inside of the Holy Name Cathedral which we attended Sunday morning.  The woodwork was quite pretty and they had a great choir.
And of course no Sunday would be complete without Sunday Brunch. 


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