The Travels of Carol and Jeff as they experience life around the globe.

Sheltering In Place Coastal Style

Like many people, Jeff and I are sheltering in place.  Unlike most people, we were supposed to be putting our final preparations in place for a 5 month trip to the UK.  Instead, we are still at our condo, on the Alabama gulf coast. We live in a high rise building with over 100 units.  Currently, there are 12 or so cars out front with 2 of them belonging to us.  The other 3 buildings are similarly occupied so in other words there are very few people staying here since the beaches and pools were closed.

So what are we doing to pass the time?  Well, being runners, we are running some, bike riding a little, walking a lot, and indoor activities such as reading, cooking, and sewing.  We are also finding a few new activities relevant to the current world situation.

Great perch for reading
Our running is around the resort and long runs on a nearby bike pathway that we have been doing for years so no new routes there.  Bike riding has been at the Gulf Coast State Park which did a lot of work on their trails a couple of years ago.  We were quite surprised to find the backcountry trail included hills!  At the beach, hills!!   The plants make us feel like we are back in northern California.  Then as we continue to ride we get to a marshy area where you may see alligators.  Continuing on we ride on a long wooden bridge that goes over the Alabama Beach Mouse preserve and then along the marshy side of the lake.  Just to be sure you see a little of everything on the bike trails in the park, you also ride in an area that is a former road.  Jeff took some pictures.  We have not done all of the trails these pictures are from our current 12+ mile route.

We love the live oaks

Orange Beach in the distance

Miles of causeway

They cut the asphalt of a former road creating a winding bike path.

While we have learned a new bike route, our walking has been limited to the roads in the resort itself.  The State closed all the beaches to ensure social distancing so we cannot walk on the beach.  There is a garden walk by some of the cottages that have a pergola covered in jasmine which smells wonderful these days.  We also enjoy looking for our creature friends (yes we are little lonely!)  So we stop on the bridge over the bayou where the turtles are and watch them, then we move on to where the blue heron is (Mr. Heron) and look for the "Mexican ducks" - a breed that is normally in Mexico but migrates up here for part of the year.  Lately, we discovered there are at least 2 alligators on property.  One is rather small - maybe 5 feet in length and then another one who is a little bit bigger is in a more secluded spot so we have only found him a couple of times.  After that, we end up walking around a bunch of empty lots.  Us and several other couples that are here - go down the little dead end and then circle the empty block ending up one way or another up at the promenade which is on the south side or beachside of the buildings.   I am glad to get out and walk, but I look forward to when we are allowed to go on beach walks.  I know lots of my neighbors feel the same way!

Causeway to the beach is blocked due to closure
Our Covid test is if we can smell the Jasmine.
These Mexican ducks have orange bills and pink feet.

When the beach was open, you would find these Blue Herons by the fisherman hoping for a handout.  Now you find them gathering their own food in the ponds.

We have to gators we look for each day, both small.

Well, our governor is changing our orders to "safer at home" in a couple of days and opening up the beaches so I think we will have company soon.  Thus, this is the end of our sheltering in place blog.


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