The Travels of Carol and Jeff as they experience life around the globe.

DC Cherry Blossoms!

Cierra, our guest blogger

I know you were promised a post about cherry blossoms, so here it is.


I have now lived in DC for a year and 2 months, but who's counting. Last year the Cherry Blossoms reached peak bloom a week into the lockdown. I really wanted to go and see the blossoms last year but between a sprained ankle and a pandemic, I was unable. 


This year I decided to go and see them but the Cherry trees reached peak bloom earlier than expected because of 2 days of extremely warm weather. I went on a Saturday after working at the ice rink. 


I rode the metro and walked to the tidal basin. There were a lot of people there but the majority of them were wearing their face masks, though keeping socially distanced was a bit challenging. 


Now without further adieu, I give you a ton of photos of cherry blossoms with some selfies mixed in. 

There are different types of cherry blossoms;
this is the white version

This is the pink and most commonly recognized version



360 view of the Tidal Basin with the cherry blossoms







Location: Washington, DC, USA


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