The Travels of Carol and Jeff as they experience life around the globe.

Set Sail


Windstar's Dreams of Tahiti Cruise

With great relief and giddy excitement we passed our third Covid test and were cleared to board the Wind Spirt!  Carol could barely contain her excitement.  Many times did I question if this day would ever arrive.  I questioned if Tahiti would close again or would we fail one of the Covid tests and not be able to board the ship.  Despite my concerns, we kept the faith as Windstar had resumed cruising in French Polynesia on July 16th with a fully vaccinated crew, passengers and strong procedures.  The ship felt spacious with only 87 passengers aboard vs the capacity of 148 resulting in more crew than passengers.

Cleared the Covid test and ready to go

This was our fourth cruise with WindStar, but first on this smallest member of their fleet, the Wind Spirit.   Once aboard, we headed for our cabin.  Then we were off exploring the ship.  We had no trouble finding our way around, as the layout was very similar to her big Sister, WindSurf. 

Our Cabin

We enjoyed the afternoon aboard with our traveling friends and prepared for the Sail Away.   Once we clear the harbor its time.  The sail away is very special on these ships.   The title music from the movie "1492" is played with the unfurling of each sail synchronized to the music.  It's an emotional event for this former master of my own sail boat. 

Setting sail for the Island of Moorea

We quickly fall into our routine.  We love to stay out on deck as much as possible enjoying the views, a drink and meeting new people.  After sunset, we join the evening briefing on our next destination followed by dinner with our friends and traveling companions. 

Carol and her friend Kathy on the flying Bridge

Over the next few blog posts, we will share our adventure with you.   The sites are everything contained in this Windstar promotional video and much more.   We love small cruise ships and WindStar in particular.  With so few passengers you make new friends and socialize with just about everyone.   Very quickly the crew is addressing you by your name and inquiring about your day. 


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