The Travels of Carol and Jeff as they experience life around the globe.

Bora Bora

Crew kindly took our picture on the Bow Sprit
Bora Bora is a name most of us know therefore, I think we assume it is a good sized place.  Um not really, but it does have an airport and a couple of towns and some luxury resorts with over the water bungalows.   The US military was here in World War II and made significant changes that have had a lasting impact on the island.  Some of the lasting changes are:  name recognition, the airport runway, roads, the largest opening for a lagoon in the islands, the 8 inch canons still here on mountains, bunkers on mountains are still here too and a few blue eyed children.  We really enjoyed our time in Bora Bora.  The first week we did a jeep 4X4 tour of the island and the second week we did a snorkeling and cultural tour.  Plus there was another Motu we could enjoy during the day and had a feast and fire dancing at in the evening.

Our first tour the 4X4 was a jeep ride up into the mountains 3 different times.  After the first trip up the roads got bumpier, but it was fun and oh the views!  The different colors of the water below is amazing.  

The second trip up the mountain took us to a couple of the WWII canons.  We saw a spot where one had been and then we visited one of the remaining canons.  Nearby was a bunker that had originally been for ammo storage.  The islands never saw any conflict during the war.  The military had chosen this island because it had a single defensible opening to the lagoon, but they had to bomb some of the coral to make it big enough for military ships.  They wanted ships in the lagoon because with only one way in there was a level of protection.  The canons provided yet another level of defense.  

Our third and final trip up the mountain took us to a small art studio where they made hand painted pareos. I got one - I wanted one as a new swimsuit coverup. it has the mountains and flowers painted on it. Almost forgot, on our way back to the ship on the final stop, we passed a Home Depot. Yep they really are everywhere! 😉

The event at the Motu that evening was quite nice.  They had a big buffet set up under a palm covered pavilion and we ate on tablecloth covered picnic tables.  After dark the entertainment started.  First we had a dance troupe of mainly women performing a variety of local dances somewhat similar to a hula.  Then the male contingent took over.  I can't say men because one was a young boy.  There were flaming sticks that were twirled like batons and tossed amongst themselves, they climbed like cheerleaders on each other while twirling the fire sticks.  They showed no fear and great confidence.  It was quite impressive.  Then it was back to our ship by way of the catamarans they had rented for us.  The nighttime view was pretty especially with our ship and its sails all lit up.

Oh this is the island for SHOPPING too.  There were pearl stores everywhere (well everywhere for a small place).  You had your choice of high end shops or the stalls run by locals.  There were some nice souvenir shops too.  You could find some unique clothing, artwork or some home goods too.  I explored most of the town we were in (Vaitape) and bought a couple of little things.  For myself I ended up in the "Mama's Market" which was right at the pier where tenders from our ship dropped us off.  It was a nice sized kind of open air market with local artisans selling pearl jewelry and clothing, etc.  I got myself an inexpensive (ok cheap) necklace here.  The pearls they were selling may not last as long since they are not up to the standards required by the government for export.  I was okay with that so for $20 I got a necklace and a ponytail tie with a shell flower on it.  I was content.  Many people bought nice pearls here - you could buy them in a setting already or loose so you could do something of your own design with them later.

The first week our friends had gone on an excursion that had 3 snorkeling stops and a luncheon with local food and crafts and had loved it so we did it on our second week.  It was a very good excursion.  Unfortunately for us the weather did not hold up the whole day.  First stop on the snorkeling part was a shallow area with stingrays.  Shallow as in I could stand up in the water.  The stingrays were cool!  They were friendly.  I even had one swim in between my feet on the ocean floor.  Touched a couple too.  

Then back in the boat to go to the sharks.  Yes we were willingly heading to sharks.  When we got there Jeff was the first one off the boat I was the 3rd - with snorkel on correctly, fins and a life jacket on.  So these sharks are nothing like the ones here in Alabama.  They have a yellow fin, are not very big and came across as harmless.  After some conversation, it was pointed out that inside the lagoon (coral breakers) they tend to be smaller and can get bigger out in the ocean.  I enjoyed being with them and never worried.  Okay back in the boat for the third and final stop.  

This was a coral garden with the possibility of seeing an eel and maybe a blue clam.  We saw all three.  Unfortunately, everyone else was there too today.  People were literally swimming on top of each other at times to see things like the eel.  Still, it was a good stop.  I started to head back to our boat when a school of small colorful fish swam right past me (I was in the middle of the school).  I laughed and instead of going back to the boat kept snorkeling till it was time to go.

As we were starting off to our luncheon on the Motu it started to rain which meant that by the time we got there we were all cold.  We were bundled up in towels but being wet meant  we got the towels wet.  We saw a couple of the luxury resorts on our way to the Motu.  We got there and headed for places out of the wind.  The meal was nice, but I was a little disappointed because our friends had said how fun it was to sit in the water at a table and have the sharks and fishes swimming around your feet as you ate.  Now the tables were there, I just had no desire to be out in the rain so under cover was where I ate.  After lunch, it was time for some demonstrations for us - how to open a coconut without a knife - look for the eyes and the face.  How to tie a pareo.  I appreciated the last one because I used that knowledge to wear one of the pareos they also gave me there to the special dinner and fire dancing that night.  

After that it was time to head back to our ship.  Um yeah we were all still a little damp and an open air boat meant we got back to the ship cold and damp.  Let me tell you the hot chocolate at the coffee shop onboard was wonderful!

At the feast that night, I proudly wore one of my pareos and again enjoyed the show.  This time on our way back to the ship the catamaran turned down its lights so we could all enjoy the incredible stars that were above us.  

The next day a quick trip into town to pick up a present for a friend and then to the Motu for a day at the beach.  What a day it was!!  We snorkeled, kayaked, floated and stand up paddle boarded.  While snorkeling we saw a little eel in the coral and lots of colorful fish.  I really like the neon blue little guys.  The boat had brought their kayaks and stand up paddle boards over and we put them to use.  There was a lot of coral on one side of the Motu and we kayaked around them slowly so we could look down at the fish.  We both did stand up paddle boarding.  Jeff is pretty accomplished now.  I got up and did some too.  I thought they had held the board for me again only to learn from Jeff that no I had done it on my own!  I did not stay up long though - I had heard it is a good core workout well my thighs were killing me!  I was digging my feet into the board which may have been part of the problem. It was a good day.

A Catamaran was used to ferry the ships passengers to feast


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