The Travels of Carol and Jeff as they experience life around the globe.

Where are the Jays going in Summer of 2024


It all started with Carol wanting to go on an African Safari.  South Africa and Zimbabwe were selected as it gives us both "Africa's Big 5" as well as touring Cape Town, the story of Nelson Mandela, Cape of Good Hope  and a visit to the Wine lands.  

Tauck's South Africa: An Elegant Adventure

It's a great start, but what to follow it up with?  Ireland of course!  What does South Africa and Ireland have in common you say.  Similar temperatures, so we won't have to pack for 2 seasons.  We will start in Northern Ireland followed by the Republic of Ireland.  Map below depicts where we are staying from our first night at a Hotel in Belfast to our last night at the Lough Rynn Castle

The map is interactive, so stretch to zoom in and click on the flag to see where we are staying.

That was going to be it, but then each of us saw a deal on a cruise that both had interest in, but neither told the other.  Windstar Cruise's Adriatic Icons and Venetian Treasures aboard the 148 passenger SV Wind Spirt.   Even better yet, we will have 4 friends join us on the cruise.  You say, what happened to not packing two seasons worth of clothes?  All I can say is our plans didn't survive our desire to see the world. 

One last problem to solve with the addition of the cruise.  What to do after leaving Ireland and starting the cruise?   Since we had been to Venice before, we decided to head North to visit Italy's Prosecco Wine Region and then the Dolomite Mountains which is part of the Italian Alps.

The map is interactive, so stretch to zoom in and click on the anchor's and flags to see our Ports we visit and where we are staying before the cruise.

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